Meet Alesha Brown

When what goes on in the house becomes a reason for a great escape.

I was a chubby five-year-old, an avid reader, wobbling to the library counter with a stack of books of higher than my head. Books were my survival.

Reading was freedom - a chance to escape the horrors of a chaotic, abusive home life. I opened the pages of a book and traveled far from my reality filled with fear and shame.

I found laughter, acceptance, strength, and hope within the pages of books. In my reality, I didn’t need to imagine a monster in the closet; he was very much real. I lived under a veil of silence, after all, what goes on in your house – stays there.

In my 20s, I was still in fear of the monster. Although my father, my abuser, died when I was 17, he was in full control of my thoughts, actions, and peace of mind – the control I had given him.

I was suffering and he was --- not. That realization shifted my focus from merely existing to wanting and needing to truly thrive.

As a child, I had no control over what happened, but as an adult, I did. I could be the perpetual victim or I could take back control.

“Why did he abuse me?”

To ask, implies there is a justifiable excuse – there isn’t. He, like other parents, did the best he could regardless of the resulting harm.

This doesn’t let him off the hook. It lets me off.

I am no longer tethered to his bad acts. I let my father rest in peace so I could do the same without shame or guilt.

To heal, I went home – back to books and back to a childhood dream. I published my story. I am an author. Within the pages of my book, I stand in agreement with survivors.

I am at peace now.

This book allowed me to resign from my government position. I am 100% self-employed. This was a bold move contrary to the life I was raised to have.

I am an award-winning entrepreneur who serves the community of survivors.

I am “Alesha Brown, Joy Guru.”

As I say, “It is never too late to edit your life, and while the journey of healing is never easy, you will never experience the fullness of joy until you live the life of your dreams. Don’t just survive; be determined to THRIVE!”

Because what happens in the house never has to stay there.

Learn more about Alesha Brown


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