Top Two Reasons Women Need to Build Thought Leadership Platforms

Thought leadership is a term that has been gaining momentum in recent years, and for good reason. It's an effective way to establish yourself as an authority in your field, build your personal brand, and make a positive impact on your community.

However, it's an opportunity that women have not always been encouraged to pursue. In this article, we'll explore why women need to build their thought leadership platforms and how they can go about doing so.


Let's define what we mean by thought leadership. At its core, thought leadership is about sharing your knowledge and expertise with others. It's about providing insights and solutions to complex problems in your industry or field of interest. It's about being a voice for change and innovation. And it's about creating a following of people who respect and value your contributions.

And while it may feel like an overused term, it's simply a way for women to advocate for what they believe -- and that will never get old.

Why do women need to build their thought leadership platforms? The answer is twofold.

It's about representation. Women are still underrepresented in many industries, particularly those that are traditionally male-dominated.

According to the Center for American Progress, women make up the majority of the population at 50.8%.

Women earn: 

  • 60% of undergraduate degrees

  • 60% of all master’s degrees.

  • 47% of all law degrees

  • 48% of all medical degrees.

  • 44% of master’s degrees in business and management; 37% of MBAs.

Women are 47% of the U.S. labor force; 59% of the college-educated. Women are 52% of all professional-level jobs and still lag behind in leadership positions. 

By building their thought leadership platforms, women can bring much-needed diversity, contribute their unique perspectives and ideas, lead and earn.

It's about empowerment. Women have historically been silenced and discouraged from speaking up and sharing their opinions. By building their thought leadership platforms, women can break down these barriers and show that their voices are just as valuable and relevant.

Here are a few steps to building a platform:

  1. Identify your areas of expertise: What are your strengths? What unique insights do you have to offer? Identify your areas of expertise and start to build your personal brand around them.

  2. Start writing (and speaking and teaching): You have to get your thoughts into the world. Periodt! Whether it's a blog, a keynote address or a course, sharing your perspective is the only way to showcase your expertise.

  3. Attend industry events: Networking is an important part of building your thought leadership platform. Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops to meet other professionals in your field and share your insights.

  4. Speak up: Don't be afraid to speak up and share your opinions. Whether it's in a meeting or a social setting, use your voice to contribute to the conversation and show your expertise.

  5. Collaborate with others: Building your thought leadership platform is not something you have to do alone. Collaborate with other professionals in your field to share ideas and build your collective knowledge.

Building a thought leadership platform is an important way for women to establish themselves as experts in their fields, break down barriers, and make a positive impact on their communities.

And it's time.


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